A special event for kindergartners & their parents!
Come and see what UpStreet is all about!
Each year on Promotion Sunday, parents of rising kindergartners are invited to check out UpStreet with their kids! Before service, parents and kids can meet other
families and enjoy some breakfast together. Once UpStreet's large group begins, kids and parents join in on the fun! The event ends with some special time
with our Children's Director answering questions and prepping kids for their time ahead in UpStreet. It's a sweet time, and one your kids will love.
Each year on Promotion Sunday, parents of rising kindergartners are invited to check out UpStreet with their kids! Before service, parents and kids can meet other
families and enjoy some breakfast together. Once UpStreet's large group begins, kids and parents join in on the fun! The event ends with some special time
with our Children's Director answering questions and prepping kids for their time ahead in UpStreet. It's a sweet time, and one your kids will love.