Test Text. This is not an emergency.
Who They Are:
  • Struggle with sense of identity
  • Place more importance on close friendships
  • Show less affection to parents, with occasional rudeness
  • Tend to return to childish behavior and exhibits feelings of invicibility
  • Peer groups influence interests and clothing styles 
  • Engagement in risky behavior
  • Prefer being with friends over family
  • Search for new adults to confide in instead of parents - they often need a “hero” or an adult to look up to
Who We Are:
  • OUR MISSION: To be a safe community where any student can discover, develop, and deepen a relationship with Jesus. 

  • OUR WIN: To see students discover and pursue a faith of their own.

Our Goals:
  • Cultivate Relational Connections
  • Develop Ownership & Leadership
  • Provide Pathways to Discipleship
How They Grow:
  • PROVIDENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS: We will create a safe and trusted environment where small group leaders will play a vital role in their lives. 
  • PRACTICAL TEACHING: We will present relevant and engaging biblical truth weekly. 
  • PRIVATE DISCIPLINES: We will encourage your students to establish healthy habits. 
  • PIVOTAL CIRCUMSTANCES: We will utilize camps, retreats, and other events to allow space for group leaders to play an important role. 
  • PERSONAL MINISTRY: We will encourage students to stop just attending church and instead, become the church.